Today Will Be the Best!!!
Try privatizing parts of the infrastructure maintenance such as Water, Wastewater, Utility Billing, Gas, Streets, Drainage, Bridge, etc.
This could be that privatization resulted due the following reasons:
• Lack of Production from Public Employees of these Different Areas
• Failure of Management to Successfully Discipline Employees with a Service Commission process, resulting in Loss of Control
• Poor Organizational Skills and Practices by Public Works Upper and Lower Management
Private Companies can help, here's how:
• Private Companies would save the Public sector at least 15% per year and accomplish more work.
• Private Companies would provide incentives such as bonuses and pay increases to encourage employees to achieve increased production goals
• Private Companies would hire and fire employees without tough governmental type procedures.
• Monetary Savings
• Teamwork
• Worker / Inspector Relationship
• No Contractor Uncertainty
• Flexibility & Control over Operations
• Quality Control & Improvements
• Employee Incentive Awards
• Less Worker Complacency
• Productivity (benchmarks & withholdings)
• Legal Claims (assumption of liability)
• Hire / Fire / Discipline Employees Efficiently
• Less Impact on City’s:
Insurance Program
Worker’s Comp
Health Insurance
Retirement System (PERS) 26+%
Try privatizing parts of the infrastructure maintenance such as Water, Wastewater, Utility Billing, Gas, Streets, Drainage, Bridge, etc.
We can try to fit the contract to fit your needs.
Actual Measurement of Data
1. Customer Surveys/Satisfaction Rate – Independently performed by a Private Accounting firm to get a 95% Level of Confidence.
2. Quality for Service Requests – Public Inspector performs random inspections. Their records are reviewed by the Accounting firm.
3. Completion of Service Requests – This number comes directly from the Work Order System. Checked by Private Accounting firm.
4. Response/Production Time of Service Requests – Public Inspector performs random inspections. Their records are reviewed by the Accounting firm.
5. Routine Maintenance – Public Inspector performs 100% inspections and determines if items are completed. Examples ditch cleaning, sidewalk cleaning, street sweeping, pothole patching, grass cutting, weed trimming, water well maintenance, sewer lift station maintenance, fire hydrant maintenance, cross connection program
Final Report….
Actual Results from a City……
1. Customer Surveys/Satisfaction Rate went from 89.9% in 2011 to 98.6% in 2019
2. Quality for Service Requests went from 77.3% in 2004 to 99.8% in 2019
3. Completion of Service Requests went from 94.3% in 2004 to 100% in 2019
4. Response/Production Time of Service Requests went from 77.4% in 2004 to 99.4% in 2019
Coming Soon.
Privatization Services are Offered. Below is a example of services which can be rendered.
Phase I – Data Collection - Compile and submit draft Plan which contains but is not limited to the following items.
1. Complete a tour of all Public Works facilities to review the type of purpose and process that is existing for the six divisions of Public Works (Utility Billing, Engineering/ Capital Improvement Plan, Environmental Compliance, Water/Wastewater/Plants, Traffic/Bridge/Streets/Drainage, Equipment Maintenance.
2. Evaluate the staffing levels vs. number of service requests called in by the customers.
3. Evaluate the routine maintenance requirements and production procedures.
4. Review the quality control procedures.
5. Review daily first-echelon maintenance procedures for equipment.
6. Evaluate repair and routine equipment maintenance procedures including the software tracking system.
7. Review the inventory warehousing and stock yard procedures.
8. Evaluate existing Standard Operating Procedures including the American Public Works Accreditation processes.
9. Evaluate the use of the City Works Map Based Work Order System and the Call Center for use with Public Works requests for service, warehousing, routine work, equipment documentation, and staff documentation.
10. Evaluate the GIS/Arc View mapping for utilities, streets, topography, aerial photography, and other shape files to determine proper integration with City Works for the greatest benefit.
11. Evaluate the Construction Standards.
12. Evaluate the Emergency Preparedness and Recovery plan for the Public Works.
13. Review the procedures for gathering customer feedback from services provided by Public Works.
14. Review the procedure for following up with customers to determine if the customer’s needs were met.
15. Review the benchmarks and performance criteria for each service request or routine maintenance item.
16. Review the history files for all maintenance of equipment, including water and wastewater systems.
17. Review any wireless communication systems for public works service requests.
18. Review existing SCADA systems.
19. Evaluate Elevated Water maintenance program and antenna leasing options.
20. Evaluate the Training environment and procedures.
21. Review the Telephone Notification system and procedures.
22. Review the GPS (Global Positioning System) for Vehicle Tracking.
23. Review digital-paperless file tracking process.
Phase II – Evaluation of Data – Review the data collected and determine the level of service for each division and component in Phase 1 based on standard public works practices and procedures.
Phase III - Final Report - Provide a detailed report with short term (up to 1 year) and long term (over 1 year) changes to current procedures, equipment, and processes. This report shall provide all cost estimates for implementation of the recommendations.
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